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  • arbee - novembre 2018

arbee - novembre 2018

Arbee, Novembre 2018

arbee - novembre 2018

Arbee - Atténuation

Cool winter light refracts into a spectrum of colour, Arbee's newest EP Atténuation is exactly that. Light, airy and expansive for a blissful listen.

Released by

Music by Arbee 

Mastered by Cory Giordano 

Photograph by Ross at Atmospheric Photography  

Specta Ciera & Arbee - Surface

Surface is a collaboration that expertly weaves a broad and appealing canvas of contemporary electro-ambient music. From the delicate oriental beauty of Sparkling Mist, to subterranean echoes, and the persistent revolving question of Unspoken. It is a path well worth traveling.

Performed by Devin Underwood and Mathieu Lamontagne. 

Mastering by APK.
